Elf Breeding Farm [Final] ((FULL))
Our protagonist was captured by a Dark Elf and treated as a livestock, buthe makes a cumback by the power of his penis! He preys on the loser Elveswho are reproductively helpless! Taking ownership of the Elves, he makes themnothing more than objects of insemination which is of course lower than humansand keeps them as his own seeding pet! Instilling them with the pleasure andhappiness of being female, his dream farm life with their orgasmic moans begins!
Elf Breeding Farm [Final]
The temple in Rivertucky is pretty much dead center of the place as religion was the only reason I could explain this particular group would farm instead of forming a raiding party that preys on the monster life around them full time. Erm... you didn't just read that guys, there's nothing implied here. Move along now.
The village of Rivertucky becomes quite hostile as hicks gather to shoot at the fleeing adventurers. After finally fleeing Rivertucky, the trio heads west, then north to the river, following it downstream till they make camp at night.
The main culprits are farmland conversion, dam building, cattle grazing, pollution from mining, stream channelization, and housing development. The flat, alluvial floodplains along many large rivers are ideally suited to agriculture, especially with flood control and water releases from the ubiquitous dams. Unfortunately, these floodplains were also ideally suited for the historically-vast riparian forests.
Several montane species may follow the ribbons of riparian growth when, after breeding, they descend to lowland rivers to take advantage of the abundant insect prey. Migrating birds are also known to follow rivers in their routes to and from their breeding grounds, and depend on the food-rich vegetation for their pit-stops.
Among the causes are loss of habitat through farmland conversion, stream channelization, and the building upstream of Shasta Dam. With the expansion of agriculture, cowbirds have expanded their range into California, entering the state along the lower Colorado River Valley in the 1870s and reaching the northern Sacramento Valley by 1950.
Cowbirds feed in open areas on the grain and waste of farms. With the reduction of large patches of riparian forest to narrow strips, songbirds that formerly nested with impunity have not been able to escape the heavy nest parasitism of cowbirds. This is the final blow to many riparian species. 041b061a72